Get a Home!

Mansions cost 50 Koins and has a 20 Koin monthly rent.  Mansions are the best of the best! When you live in a Mansion, your overall health increases +20.

Houses cost 20 Koins and has a 10 Koin monthly rent.  Houses are what the majority of SweetVille lives in.  When you live in a house, your overall health increases +10.

Apartments cost 10 Koins and has a 5 Koin monthly rent.  Apartments are great for single living.  When you live in a house, your overall health increases +5.

Cardboard Box costs 0 Koins and has a 0 Koin monthly rent.  Cardboard boxes are not the best living conditions.   When you live in a cardboard box, your overall health remains at 10, and decreases 1 every month.  Cardboard box is always the default home for new users.


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